Speaker: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall

In Tune

Melody and harmony, the music of life flows and soars when we find our way to be in tune – with each other, with our own internal music, and with the universal song of life.  What does it take, how do we get in tune?

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Remembering for the Future

Memorial Day celebrates gratitude to those who have served in our nation’s military, and all who have given of themselves to create the present.  As we remember, we carry the lessons forward into the future.  Memory tells us who we are, so we … read more.

Seeking the Source

Our search for truth and meaning opens the doors of faith and science, exploring the depths of miracle and mystery in the world.  This regenerative time of Easter draws us into the search for our connection to the ultimate Unknown, the alpha and omega, the … read more.

Facing into the Wind

Universalist Angus MacLean tells of understanding changes in the weather by turning until the wind was singing in both his ears.  As we await the emerging future, how do we engage the adventure of the unknown and prepare for the new; how we listen for … read more.

Deepening the Commitment

On this Commitment Sunday, planning for our financial investment in this congregation, we consider – how do we live into the mission of sharing journeys, growing in spirit, advancing justice?  The commitment of every member of this community makes possible the unfolding future we create … read more.

Mission and Commitment

Why am I a Unitarian Universalist, and how does that identity shape my life?  What does it mean to live into a faith that is founded on covenantal relationship and commitment to community?  How do I create new possibility?  As we open these deep questions, … read more.

UUCP Covenant of Commitment

How do we live out our covenant of commitment to ourselves as members of the UUCP community and congregation, respect the shared ministry of each congregant, staff member and minister? We commit to each other to see differences as opportunities for growth, to assert our … read more.