Archives: Services

Harmony with the Soul

The “wise silence,” Emerson called it. Lao’ Tzu called it the “Tao,” the Zulu call it “Moya.” In Judaism they call it “ein sof,” that which is everything and is nothing. We call it “The Soul.” What may it mean to be in Harmony with the … read more.

Remembering for the Future

Memorial Day celebrates gratitude to those who have served in our nation’s military, and all who have given of themselves to create the present.  As we remember, we carry the lessons forward into the future.  Memory tells us who we are, so we … read more.

How We Live

The YRUU group of our Congregation creates a worship experience highlighting mental health, high school survival, spirituality, and the work they are doing to improve care in our communities.

I Love You, Ma

We honor those Mothers who have taught us how to be human, for they grew a human in their body. A salute to those Mothers who have cared for babies, or who have been a Mother to any living being.

The Long Haul

Building a resilient and courageous community takes time and commitment.  So does creating justice.  We know that the moral universe’s arc is long; let’s imagine how we can bend that arc toward justice and live into our vision of being a spiritual community for our … read more.

Tell Me A Story

Story-telling has been a powerful tool throughout the ages and in all cultures.  Stories help us connect our own unique human experience with those of others, finding commonalities and learning about differences in a non-threatening way.  Join us as we set the stage for a … read more.

Seeking the Source

Our search for truth and meaning opens the doors of faith and science, exploring the depths of miracle and mystery in the world.  This regenerative time of Easter draws us into the search for our connection to the ultimate Unknown, the alpha and omega, the … read more.

Kids These Days!

Today’s sermon topic was chosen by Jonny Lifshitz in the winning bid at the UUCP auction last fall. We will focus on the Post-Millennial Generation, those born from 1997 to the present, the so-called “selfie-generation.” Young people today find themselves inheriting a society where the … read more.

Facing into the Wind

Universalist Angus MacLean tells of understanding changes in the weather by turning until the wind was singing in both his ears.  As we await the emerging future, how do we engage the adventure of the unknown and prepare for the new; how we listen for … read more.