Archives: Services

What Is This World Coming To?

It is hard to imagine all the ways that our world has changed in just the last few months. We’re seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. Join us as we try to pull apart the threads and make meaning of what is happening.

Replay … read more.

Wisdom in Today’s World

What is wisdom? How does it differ from knowledge? Is the difference worth discerning? This sermon will explore the landscape of the difference between knowledge and wisdom and how the difference plays out in our modern world. “True wisdom comes in understanding that sometimes, you … read more.

The World Is On Fire

Our earth is hurting and we’ve inflicted the wounds. In just a short time of pandemic isolation, we’ve seen how quickly the world can heal. How then, can we ever go back to thinking we can’t fix our environmental issues? Join us on the 50th … read more.

The Resurrection of Hope

You can easily LIVESTREAM virtual worship this Sunday, from your phone, computer or tablet. In-Person worship is temporarily discontinued. Please join us online!

On this Easter morning, we will collectively be sharing what brings us hope in these times.  We hope you will wear your … read more.

Let My People Go

You can easily LIVESTREAM virtual worship this Sunday, from your phone, computer or tablet. In-Person worship is temporarily discontinued until the virus dissipates. Please join us online!

As the Jewish people begin their holy celebration of Passover this week, we remember that the Passover story … read more.

Finding the God Moments In Chaos

Rev. Christine says: “In challenging moments, I have a Spiritual Director who asks me where I found the “God Moment.” She means where did I find a moment of connection to something beyond my comprehension. These times are challenging…and I am finding “God Moments” all … read more.

The Corona Society

The Corona Society:  What an unprecedented time we are in—an entire society making decisions for the greater welfare on behalf of our most vulnerable.  We like to think that we think of others when we make decisions, but this has taken it to a whole … read more.

Spiritual Care in the Age of Corona

We are providing a single virtual worship Sundays at 10:30 AM, until future notice. We will include standards of the service—music, together time, joys & sorrows, a message from me, although probably in slightly different ways. We hope you will join us so we can … read more.

Saturday Meditation Gathering

From Brother Richard Hendrick, a priest in Ireland, who wrote this yesterday

Yes there is fear.
Yes there is isolation.
Yes there is panic buying.
Yes there is sickness.
Yes there is even death.
They say that in Wuhan after so many years of … read more.