Welcome to Our Visitors
The Building is closed. We are live streaming our services and welcome visitors.
What should I expect at a Sunday Service live-streamed?
We welcome all abilities, ages, colors, ethnicities, class, gender expressions, races and sexual orientations. Our services are approximately an hour long. Visit our website’s Upcoming Sermons button on phoenixuu.org to learn what our next service will be about and get links to these live-streamed services.
If you have children, click on Children at the top of phoenixuu.org to see more information about Children’s Ministries at UUCP.
After services, please stay for a Zoom coffee hour and a children’s ministries coffee hour for conversation and activities.
Click on the UUCP Weekly Programs button on phoenixuu.org to see how to sign up for the UUCP weekly e-mail newsletter “COMPASS,” which contains descriptions of virtual meetings, activities, and useful information. You don’t need to be a member to participate, except for formal votes.
Want more information?
Join our “Get to Know UUCP” Zoom gathering after service on the last Sunday of the month (link is in the “COMPASS”). You can click here to download a PDF with more information about our congregation, explore the “About Us” section of our website, and feel free to email membership@phoenixuu.org with any questions.