Speaker: Rev. Christine Dance

Defund The Police: Let’s Break It Down

Many of us hadn’t heard the phrase #DefundThePolice until the protests and revolution this Spring and Summer. Let’s break it down and see how it fits with our thoughts of Unitarian Universalism.

Rev. Christine and UUJAZ provide several resources:

Mijente, Sunrise, SONG, and Critical Resistance are hosting … read more.

In This Great Turning

Scholars believe that we are in the final turn of a great generational cycle–one of great destruction but also of creation. We will explore what this great turning can create for us–as a world, nation and congregation.

This Sunday’s SHARE THE PLATE offering goes to Camelot … read more.

Rest & Other Revolutionary Acts

As Rev. Dance returns from her vacation and study time, let us all consider the balance and role of rest and renewal as a revolutionary act–even as an act of resistance–especially in these exhausting times of pandemic and national strife.

You can easily replay the worship … read more.

I Can’t Breathe

Response to the killing of George Floyd and the death of other black men at the hands of police.



How Can I Keep From Singing

First we couldn’t gather in large groups, then go out to eat, then small groups, now we even worry about our dogs. But singing? How can we possibly keep from singing? We’ll explore that in a literal and metaphorical way and what this means for … read more.

In The In-Between

We are living in the “in-between” space. We are definitely after one reality. And a new reality is coming, but we don’t know when or what. Together, we’ll explore how to be in the “liminal space” and how that requires us to just be in … read more.