Archives: Services

Dia de los Muertos

Join us for our annual Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) service led by Abuela Sylvia Sharma. It is an opportunity to remember the good qualities and memories of our loved ones who have died. Please feel free to bring in photos of … read more.

From Communism to Community

UUCP’s history is fascinating and tells us a lot about the resilience that is in our DNA. Our early UUCP founders were chased out of multiple buildings for their liberal views in a time that has too many corollaries to our own. What can we … read more.

Longing For Belonging

Brene Brown says that our desire for connection and love runs deep but that “when we ‘fit in’ instead of actually ‘belong,’ we mold ourselves to the situation instead of standing for our authentic self.” We will explore this month’s theme of Belonging and exploring … read more.

Living Into the Living System

Wisdom from science and spirituality alike is pointing to the deep truth of our interconnection with all life. At this time in our lives, as global citizens, as Unitarian Universalists, as people trying to get by in an increasingly anxious world, how do we live … read more.

Anti-Racism As a Spiritual Practice

Sometimes our justice work is external, but it is often most powerful when we do the internal work. Join us to explore how anti-racism work can be a powerful internal exercise, even a spiritual exercise.

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Let’s Human Together

As we begin a new year together, let us explore what it means to be human in community. As we lean into our humanity, we will explore how we will delight each other, make mistakes, understand, apologize, come back together again in community, and celebrate. … read more.

Ingathering / Water Communion

Water is universal, eternal, ever-changing. As we gather for the traditional Water Communion to celebrate a new program year of our community, we reflect on water- in our lives and as a tool and symbol of resistance and justice in our communities. Bring water to … read more.

We are You too

The community at UUCP is central to many of our faith paths, and our campus itself is a sacred place to many. For some, it is a place to disconnect from our weekday lives, but for the staff of UUCP, professional lives, personal beliefs, and … read more.

Choosing Our Stories

Our brains and our worlds are dense with stories. The stories we choose to dwell in and to speak aloud can block changes we might need to make, can help us through steady changes, can lead us to revitalizing transformations. May we choose wisely!
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