Nominees For UUCP Leadership Positions 2021-2022

We, the members of the UUCP Nominating Committee, are pleased to present to you the nominees for UUCP leadership positions in the coming year, 2021-2022. You can learn more about them on this document — their names, backgrounds, and photos. I speak for the whole team in saying that we are thrilled with this list of highly capable and interesting candidates! The election will be at the mid-year Congregational Meeting in June.

Susan Morris and Karen Kurtz, co-chairs; Walt Doherty, Ted Myers, Julie Smart and Daisy Danforth

NOTE:  Additional nominations may be made by petition of any ten Members, provided the Petition is accompanied by a signed statement expressing the nominee’s willingness to serve if elected. Such a petition must be filed with the Chair of the Nominating Committee ( by May 15 for inclusion in the list of nominees.